Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Moving On

This post will be written in the style of the late Emotional Karaoke, a Mountain Goats ouevreblog, whose manifesto was: "I will only write about the songs while I listen to them, for as long as it takes me to listen. Granted, I've heard them before, but getting wound up by a favorite band while you listen is part of the point." Ready? Go!

Trying to find a "happy" Sixpence song to help dispel the gloom of winter and sickness. Those lovely basslines usher us in as Leigh sings "a new and happy song," her voice oddly far-away, through a chorus effect. That scraping strum from Slocum, and then the militant chorus: I WILL NOT LET THEM RUIN ME. Who are "they," one wonders? The record label? The inner demons? The haters? It almost doesn't matter. This song is defiant hope, directed not so much outward at a foe as inward, a rock-steady pep talk to oneself.

The gorgeous bridge, the punishing strings, the relentless drums, the self-assured vocals; they all say one thing, joyously, defiantly: this stupid world doesn't get to win. Love does. Music does. Beauty does. Joy does. Happiness does. Truth does.

You've got to believe me. You've got to believe Sixpence. You've got to believe this string quartet that just won't shut up, even after the guitars die out.


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